Barajas Airport Office

Barajas Airport Office

Project Name:Barajas Airport Office
Location:Madrid / ESP
Sub Solution:Other Factory & Industrial Solutions
System:Retractable Skylights
Sub System:SolaGlide
Size:3 Patio Enclosures RRG 75% | 8.88m x 9,33m span | 15,33m x 9,33m span | 13,99m x 9,33m span
Glazing:Skylux Pergatop 32mm | 6T Solarlux® 50 HT #2/16Ar/5.5.1 Clear
Project Number:10010

We are providing best solution for retractable skylights with Libart's SolaGlide

Doesn't matter whether project of office, industrial, airport, hotel, residential or more than that imagine it. Libart provide you a solution more that product as the same that you see like Barajas Airport Office. 

We offer a solution rather than a special product for you and your project. For example, while LeanTo systems are solutions close to the wall, retractable skylight SolaGlide is a more preferred system with the combination of Panora. Of course, the reason why SolaGlide is preferred at Barajas Airport is because it offers open-closeability with its alternatives and roof angle.

The authories of airport decided to install SolaGlide after of their researches to roof of Barajas Airport office. 

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